In case you didn’t get the memo, Ideas are nothing without execution. In the course of my work meeting business professionals and entrepreneurs, I get talk a lot with people who want me to make an input into thier ideas – and I do atimes (*wink). One notable one was when someone once asked me to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) before he could share his idea of which he needed my advice. I couldn’t believe my ears. On sharing the idea, it fell flat on uniqueness. Everyone has an idea about something and ideas are being developed all around us everyday. As long as there are problems and opportunities, ideas will always come up. However we are short on execution, we are short on productivity. We are a generation too distracted, too occupied, too involved in many things and it takes a lot of personal discipline to be productive. Here is an infograph from the guys at Marketo Briefly explains how we have mastered the art of killing our productivity;
1. Check your email every 2 minutes
2. Keep a cluttered desk
3. Be as un-ergonomical as possible
4. Be sure to multi-task
5. Notify the hell out of your life
6. Allow others to bug you
7. Create a loooong to-do list
Here is it ;
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Nice one