orange academy
My week is going to be very interesting. I am in the final week after going through the war room 11 of Orange Academy’s School of Brand Advertising. It’s been four weeks of fun and work excitement. I am presently working on our final presentations for the final battle with the other mock advertising agency.
The school, though two years old, is one institution that has done a lot in stamping it’s presence into the heart of Brand and Advertising Industry in Nigeria. Bespectacled Kenny Badmus, who initially struck me as a nerd is one great guy full of expressions and fun. For someone responsible for the new generation of orange diplomats in various industries, he did not fail to prove his stuff. He took us round the world of copy, strategic planning, brand innovation and management.
The programme was structured like a practical reality show, though without hidden and spy cameras. We were organised into two advertising agencies- BAD and ACE. These two agencies have been given the task of branding a health drink which should be in the market in the next few months. I must confess, ACE agency has done a lot more talking than working; not because I’m in BAD agency, it because I know the rules of engagement. But whichever team wins on Sunday, I must say I’ve worked with a great team altogether.
Despite BAD consisting of people from different sectors of the Nigeria industry, we did not fail to exude synergy.From our meetings at night to the groups’ mails, calls and to our brandishing of idea daggers, verbal postures and compromise, I’ve had a lot of fun. But then, the intense work before Sunday remains.
Sunday represents the final pitch day and the 2nd anniversary of the Academy. I finally decided today to be one of the presenters for my group- that means more work. So I would be one of people telling ACE where their PLACE is- at the BASE!
For a school with so much achieved at 2,
I say congratulations to the entire Orange Academy Team.
5 comments. Leave new
Am John and i saw ur message on facebook and i check ur page.
i really need to know more about ur program.
kay i av heard alot of the orange academy and more of kenny badmus. i understand it is a great place but what is the process of entry?
Great to hear you again Kay,
there are several modules. but their site is the schedule for the year is on the site.
Of coourse, my team won the pitch.
There’s Integrated Brand eexperience, Brand war room, school of copy, break away designers (BAD), and school of strategic planning.
I could offer phone numbers if you are interested
have a great time
i really want to understand are you
talking of my personal programmes or
the future movement?
let me hear you…
Hello, I know this thread is old but I will like to know how much the IBX and BAD course cost.