NB:- wrote this late last week but did not get to post it. Never the less the message is important.
I’m sitting right now somewhere on the Island along Tiamiyu Savage, where the organization I work with, Visible Impact is holding a training on work force activation for one of the 24 recapitalized banks. Of course, the CEO, Fela Durotoye was in his element, dishing out instructions and insights to over 50 workers who were being energized for improved performance in marketing and general banking operations.
For the first time, I heard the story of his movement and achievements in Phillips Consulting. I intend to draw lessons from the beginning of his story. After concluding entry requirements, he was told he could not be a consultant even though he had an MBA, why? He had no work experience. Thus, he was offered a paltry NGN13, 000.
When he protested the salary, “I’m worth more than this!” the woman immediately told him 3 simple words “Prove your worth”.
In us lies a great potential of being God’s masterpiece. The power to do much more than I’m doing, much more than what people think you are worth. Your potential is not something you receive; it is a reserve that has always been. Have you ever been pushed to the end of your limits? Have you ever seen a thief being chased by a mob? Or have you ever been chased by a dog? It is amazing the things you can do if it was obvious your life depended on it- but then, it really does. It is possible to be the best you can ever be because you do not need more power, the power is within.
“Potential… potent (strength) tial (within) meaning. . . (Inner strength)”
You are the one that comes to your potential. The day you did something that you naturally would not have done was because there was a demand on you to produce the results. This simple principle is also the hidden secret that geniuses and our perceived champions do not tell us; they have understood themselves and therefore know how to turn on this energy or drive to retrieve the kind of results they desire when they want. Needless to say, fela durotoye went on to become the great person he is today because, Phillips Consulting would testify, He came…
There is a grace within, which we can draw out to get the results we desire. T he door of your potential opens up on you, when you cannot consider the option of failure. You exploit the possibilities of your potential when you accept responsibility and choose to give your best no matter what. The door of preparation ensures you draw out the potential consistently.
Test the limits of your potential!
3 comments. Leave new
Hmmmm, true stuff. We never realise how much we could do until we seem like the last resort to do it. I think thats what life in general is asking us (Prove your worth?), to all who can hear that voice.
Thanks for this.
yeah,nice piece 😀 “TEST THE LIMITS OF YOUR POTENTIAL” and when we do,more often than not we realise it’s limitless – WHATEVER the mind can conceive, it can achieve- Most great men were just ‘ordinary’ people who harnessed their potentials(some were even considered total flops yet they showed what great potential they’ve got). God’s deposited priceless potentials in us all,it’s up to us to show our worth;that we’re priceless,we’re of inestimable worth.
WOW”””As a member of House On The Rock,Enugu it wasn’t difficult accepting and digisting this truth.I have a mentality that am a spec in this universe since then then i talk,walk,and do things differently and in the book of corithinans pual said to them ALL THINGS ARE YOURS IF YOU BELIEVE.So releasing your worth is everything you need to break loose and make your life worth living,Remember that the creature awaits your manifestation as a SON of God.Your father has already Equiped you so manifest.:shock: