This astute cop could not be hidden from limelight even after being sentenced to compulsory containment at the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) in Kuru, Jos, Plateau State for a mandatory one-year course. If not for Dora’s promotion to being a minister, he would still have made my list as a role model for this month. Don’t criticize me, but I wonder why people criticize someone’s perceived selective judgement rather than commend the fact someone is standing up in the face of insecurity and criticism to fight the demagogues of corruption. Those who understand how much enshrined corruption is in the nation will have only the blind loyalty of Ribadu to Obasanjo to blame for his woes.
The unceremonious bungling of his person out of the graduation from the prestigious Senior Executive Course 30, NIPSS was the height of the gradual humiliation and punishment of the former EFCC boss. Those who have gradually followed this drama since May 29 would not be surprised by the trend of events. It looks like a carefully crafted script is being carried out to the letter. It is no more a rumour that some people are on a “revenge mission” to make him pay for his commitment to bringing some very important Politicians (VIPs) to book, and they are not making any effort to disguise this plan.
This astute cop, while being the executive chairman of the EFCC worked with utmost courage and fearlessness arresting and charging prominent bankers, and 419 gang operators and crime kings to court. His personality began to come under attack when his anti corruption campaign stretched over to former ministers, Senate presidents, high-ranking political party members, 419 gang operators and even a former Inspector General of Police. People then began to complain of the selective manner in which he was being used by his former boss, Obasanjo, without to asking themselves how many people, have been taken in for questioning on cases of corruption since the exit of the former chairman? The blind dislike for the OBJ’s years is being visited on his person.
Thinking even for a moment, what will Nuhu Ribadu be thinking? regretting ever fighting corruption so doggedly- an assignment most people will rather handle with kid gloves. He was not perfect, but he got a large chunk of the job done. He has been responsible for giving Nigeria the song of anti-corruption today. What message are we communication to others- if you stand out, you are not safe. When reforming the nation was becoming was too hot, smart Okonjo Iweala threw in the towel and headed for international recognition. This may be the case for Ribadu and even Soludo if the evangelism of institutionalised corruption spreads its tentacles to his end.
I am not saying he is perfect, no human being is, but I will rather celebrate him for the good he dared to do, I will commend him for the for the billions and billions of naira he recouped from looters and 419 kingpins and not for the ones left undone. Most people will rather leave them and ‘manage’ the situation. I will not forget the unending fear his name strikes in the hearts of corrupt officials who walk out streets like kings today. I will not forget the mighty deeds of the small bespectacled man, whose achievements dwarfed the activities of the Nigerian Police before he came in. I will rather commend him for boldly confronting state governors, officials and ministers rather than think of him as OBJ’s weapon. I remember him for his brutal tactics and methods for fighting looters. How else would Alam’s be brought to book if not his arm twisting tactics. Pardon me, I love the rule of law, but he who defeats the books to rig, maim and steal does not deserve the mercy of the books. The rule of law permits a thief to leave jail after 24hrs, but will protest if a cop were rewarded with a promotion for his good deeds.
If he eventually leaves, which might be the last trick in the bags of his enemies, Nigerians will commend his deeds, we will probably call him ‘the best Inspector-General of Police we never had’. Despite endless endless assassination attempts, death threats, and bribes, he has tried. He did his very best. If the only thing many have against him, after they must have searched thorougly is that the methods which he used to do his wonderful work, was suspicious; I think that is a good testimony. I hope this will not deter from politics, other committed and passionate Nigerians seeking change.
Though I wanted him to leave, I commend him for staying this long, and will respect him for staying. He brought his commission to be the one of the strongest institutions in the country, with more than 200 convictions over four years of existence. He gave us hope, He made us belive not all Nigerian Cops are corrupt, after all only in the manner OBJ did, will any man like that be allowed to the top. well done.
Salute, Nuhu.
3 comments. Leave new
i would rather commend him for sorting out a large part of dealing with corruption, dan been baba’s whip 4 those dat didnt want 2 pay homeage. nnnnnhhh,NIGERIA,God bless u. very soon, light will break loose and righteousness will stare at d face of corruption n darkness, and will say like a child,,,,,,,,,,,,,,hobbi
very thoughtful.
I am happy that I have seen someone with a voice of reason,cos from one end to another all I have heard are the talks of Poetic Justice and all those crazy craps People are saying, if Farida has selectively dealt with Yar’ Adua’s thieving Enemies am sure this country would have in the next 5 years be better off than where we are right now So lets give honor to whom its due. and respect who is to be respected.Ribadu has tried for this country and we must admit and praise the man.
Salute to the Czar of Anti Corruption.
Peace out!!!