everytime an activity is triggered (incoming/outgoing calls, email). No, not the typical bulk SMS advertising, neither is it the short code ads that gained traction once people discovered they could gather phone numbers and pay less for sending numbers to them all – this one is different. iCandi is available for download on Nokia Ovi store and Blackberry App world for Blackberry phones. iCandi seeks to tap into rapid rise of smart phones in the Nigerian market by making every smart phone display visual messages that are interactive and visual based on individual preferences. Why would you download an advertising app? iCandi is not only pushing the limits of mobile advertising further they are also offering exciting rewards for people who join the community; with access to completely free on an ongoing basis. All of this is at no cost once the application is available on your phone. They recently also provided free tickets to PSQUARE’s album launch and TactiqIQ Soccer Tournament. So watch out for my Facebook updates about the brand and their incredible offers!
To download from your phone visit www.icandirewards.mobi.
Website: www.icandirewards.com
Twitter: @icandirewards
FaceBook: Your iCandi Rewards – www.facebook.com/iCandirewards
Email: info@spectaconsulting.com