It’s 11:17pm. After a very busy day, I’m tapping away at the keys of my laptop, being my very first posting on this site.
I have a flair for the business of writing and communication, and the ability of the medium to influence, and increase the productivity of individuals and organizations alike. This site exits because of an in-depth passion I have to see and increase human capital as a source of maximizing personal and organizational productivity.
Expect a lot, am up to it. On my own journey, to the top we go together, this site will help you to consciously invest in your self and take personal responsibility for your failures and successes- It involves motivating people, helping you realize that you do not have the copyright to your struggles and challenges, triumphs and victories and providing the wisdom to handle both. It means an external force urging you to build consciously, positive personal habits; handle our issues and emotions, relationships, career and finances. It means taking a stand such that no one is confused about the direction in which you are heading in life.
I took the decision to consciously accept responsibility for my future in life. Though I’ve failed many times, I’ve also shone like a star on many occasions – through it all many have benefited from the lessons learnt. Drawing lessons from my signposts and environment, I intend to help you with me in providing solutions to life’s pertinent questions.
Through this site I intend to cause an epidemic of a national rebirth of Nigerians, devoid of yesterdays’ blights, today’s disappointments but with symptoms of future hope and faith in the hub of Africa’s development.
I rest my case.