The first time I spoke in public wasn’t funny.
Though I had participated in quiz competitions through my growing years, it wasn’t like the University. My assignment that Sunday was simple; I was to recite the first 25 verses of Paslm 119 by heart… and that wasn’t the problem. I was to do it in front of an audience of a thousand.
Once I got the microphone and looked up,
all I had memorised was gone…
and all I said into the mike was… Oh God!
That was a long time ago.
Since then I have had the opportunity to speak at in-house trainings, seminars, conferences, open air crusades and to a varied number of audience; teachers, christians, muslims, business executives, entrepreneurs, government officials, bloggers, developers and all doing what I know how to do best – inspiring and chalenging people to be more, do more and over deliver.
With thoroughbred experience, I cut away the fluff and deliver what you need to do today in order to change things for tomorrow.
I speak at conferences, internal strategy sessions and national events. My interests include
If you are up to it, reach me here