Many websites are great on design, but dumb on strategy and user experience. Websites have moved far away from traditional online information websites into becoming your living, active and interactive digital platform that operate virtually like an automated office that remains open 24 hours, 7 days a week. In fact, chances are that people are going to make contact with your website before they come in contact with you, therefore making a great first impression is a smart move. If your website needs to be worked on, you need to tidy that up quickly. In fact, it will be great if you can get this done before looking at directing traffic to your website.
A great website takes time, money and patience to get things done the right way. Great websites are not only about design but also answer the critical customer question; why are you here? Most websites are developed and designed by developers who focus on extensive applications, aesthetics but little on marketing, value propositions and making sales. Websites should ensure it answers all questions around the credibility, authenticity and quality of your business services.
They have an Overriding Purpose
A ley lesson from one of the most popular websites in the world, is having an overriding purpose. If you don’t know the purpose for your website, then stop reading this article and go figure that out because it is that important. There are billions of websites being developed every day and it is important that if your website is going to make any appreciable impact on your business.
What do you want them to do when they visit; make a phone call, sample your product, download your brochure, drop their emails, every website attempts to help you being a consumer journey by kick-starting or leading your further down the sales process. As a website owner you need to decide the typical customers and have decided objective the website will deliver. They have clear instructions and call to actions (CTAs) that get them to interact with the website.
Great Designs are customer focused
Great designs are beautiful, but people will soon forget a paper tiger. If you hired a great designer, don’t let him also be the marketer. You not only need to get your designer to focus on the technicalities, your website needs to have the consumer at the centre of all your activities online. You need to work with your designer to create a website that incorporates all of your needs. It should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, content optimized and search engine friendly.
Magnetic content
It is becoming increasingly important for businesses to focus on your ever present and never sleeping employee, your website.