One confession: after the euphoria of the Indian movie revolution in the early eighties, when we were kids; watching the “Shole”, “Shakti”, “MARD”, “Yer van dera”e.t.c. I lost…
One confession: after the euphoria of the Indian movie revolution in the early eighties, when we were kids; watching the “Shole”, “Shakti”, “MARD”, “Yer van dera”e.t.c. I lost…
It is important to know and recognize the vital signs of a relationship’s potential. When I meet people and we talk about whether a relationship should continue or die, I…
It’s Saturday evening and today was full of weddings (I guess I’m not alone on that), I attended two weddings. Lots of couples have their wedding today, in a bid…
I’m so sorry again for being off for a while. My internet connection and website had some challenges and I had to solve them before attempting to write any post….
This last week has been intresting. my computer started acting up, then my internet cponnection followed… then my site went on it’s own journey. I’m glad to be back, and…
I once read a joke that marriageable men are more like parking lots- most of the good ones are already taken. For women who have been not been fortunate to…
I went over for a wedding over the weekend and met a friend I knew way back from our days in OAU, Ife. Though the time was short, I nevertheless…