I’ve been working on the materials from the 4th strategy meeting of future movement. I must say we have made a great leap in our efforts of galvanizing (bring together) all change agents and organizations that will deliver the future. But then I will deliver that later…
I recently had a brief 4-hour chat with a younger friend of mine and we discovered she had only limited her potentials and personality by the parameters of her thoughts. Analysing peoples’ perceptions and feelings we can only trace it back to what ter thoughts have conditioned her to be. We do not see the world the way it is, we see it from where we are. I discovered that even I needed to pay attention to my system of thought.
Thinking is the talking of the soul. Thoughts are not just things; they are the force that that governs everything, everywhere, that is why they say ideas rule the world (I wrote on ideas rules the world, but then who rules ideas?). Sound ideas are a product of strategic practice of the thought process.
We think our thoughts are our own little private room where we can say anything, but then our consistent thoughts are obvious in our daily expression, on our faces, the way we behave and even our character. If you have ever disliked someone on sight you easily understand my logic. It affects the way you reason and hence affects your actions. I remember the story of the woman with the issue of blood who went to meet Jesus in the midst of a walking mob. After menstruating for 12 years, she could not have been walking straight, but Mat 9:21(AMP) recorded that she kept saying to herself, “if I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health”, and she was. What have we been saying to ourselves?
”The economy is bad and it will affect me”, “I can’t sell anything”, “I think people just don’t like me”, “I cannot speak in public”, all these thoughts have continually done what we wanted them to do; they have conditioned our minds and faculties so fit into that mould. “Can’t” is one of English language’s strongest expressions – it means you lack the ideas to make it happen; or if an idea is given to you, you can’t see it, even if everything absolutely was placed into your hands or like a horse dragged into the sea, the possibility of drinking or providing results is simply nil- you simply won’t even if your life depended on it).
Our impossibilities are the limitations we have built in our minds. Whether you will have a strong personality or character is as a result of your habitual thought pattern. If your habitual thinking belittles you and puts you down, you will never develop courage and gusto to challenge it. Our talking to ourselves or thoughts reaches into our being and empowers our thinking to accommodate ideas, and to be able to generate solutions. I make it bold to say the kind of personalities we develop, is a product of our thought response to our family, experience, location, and sex dealings.
But then, when you determine to control your thoughts will you discover it is not a light work at all. I once took pride in joking that I can never succeed in selling hot water to an Eskimo, it was a joke but then it became my reality; I had to empty my bank account to buy a product and sell, to be able to defeat such mindset.
I will remember a quote I saw somewhere that when a person takes a knife and begins to slash himself until blood oozes out of his body, we shut him up in an asylum, but then most of us slash our mental shelves with daggers of different kinds- hatred, self condemnation, jealousy, doubt and fear and we think we are sane. A man/woman of the future will not lacerate himself with vicious thoughts. Every thought is a seed that produces a mental plant and action after the kind of seed. Life is just to us what we pay for. If you want to sow success and sound growth, you cannot afford to sow procrastination and laziness.
As we move on in time we’ll get to discover that those who think, rule. There is a great market need for more heads than hands, as a matter of fact the harder you work (physical exertion), the less you are valued/ paid.
Say to yourself today, I am what my thinking makes me.
Somehow, the thoughts in your life will inevitably speak out
The only way to get a different harvest is to begin to sow differently today.