Today I woke thinking about a lot of issues that hinge on Nigeria, and her dream. Having read the promises made by her founding fathers, presidents year in year out, full of promises, promises hopes and aspiration. But while coming to a resolution before i write, i would like us to look again at the old national anthem of Nigeria, though written by a white man, carries a lot of wisdom…;
“Nigeria we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribe and tongue may differ,
in brotherhood we stand.
Nigerians and all proud to serve,
Our sovereign Motherland.
Our flag shall be a symbol,
That truth and justice reign,
In peace and battle honor’d
And these we count as gain.
To hand unto our children,
a banner without stain”.
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dear kay
thank you for your observation.
the problems we have, have less to do with the ties that bind us but in the politicians who look for avenues to cause mischief when they lose out in the political arena.
am sure 99% of the youths will gladly vote for the re-colonisation of nigeria knowing it will afford them visa to UK, USA and immediate oppotunity to travel to any country of their choice.
But in the new nigeria, things will work.