Decided to share a few thoughts about decisions and how they relate with our destiny. In the moment of decision, our destiny is being created. Most people we sit down waiting for the future they desire to hit them like a lightening bolt, and then call ourselves “an overnight success”-only thieves experience that kind of overnight success, and even with work. Success is not a matter of chance; it is as a result of consistent decisions and actions in a particular direction. It does not connote a position; it is a disposition that consistently puts you on the track to making an impact I life. It therefore becomes pertinent that we understand the following;
Every time we make a choice, we have also unconsciously chosen the end of that goal. We are today a result of the consequences of yesterday’s choices. The context of our future changes in line with our decision.
We cannot have made an intelligent choice, if only we are faced with (conscious of) a single option. We cannot really have made a conscious decision, if we’ve not considered the consequences.
Every time we make a decision, we grow stronger, either better or bitter. Our choices define who we are or will become. We become a particular kind of person every time we make a decision. Every successful decision gives us the courage to achieve more.
Silence and avoidance still means we have made choices. If we don’t make a choice, our circumstances will choose for us. By trying to shy away from critical choices, we submit the responsibility of choosing to others and situations.
We do not become great by being unconscious about the critical points that will shape the entire outlook of our life. We become great by being deliberate, and choosing to advance in a particular direction and striving to live the life we have believe in, it is too certain that we will encounter success at unexpected moments. good day