I used the opportunity the break provided to reflect on my goals for the year. It’s mid-year and it is one of those times we all need to reappraise how close we are to achieving them.
Just as a football game has no definite purpose without a goal-post, life can never be maximized without goals. A well-defined and outlined goal gives vigor, direction and perseverance to a man’s efforts. When we set goals, the goals will govern our conduct. The goals will define our habits (I’m working on some thing on habit formation, expect it!)
But in practice, most of our goals end up on papers or wall stickers and they stay there. We cannot break the inertia that stops us from translating our goals into action.
1. Make the commitment to reaching your goals.
2. Break your goals into small pieces (monthly, weekly).
3. Discipline/ reward your self as you hit your targets.
4. Commit yourself to daily detailed accountability.
5. Share your goals with others.
Those who get to the peak of their careers know they didn’t get there by accident. It was by a definite consistent effort.